Poppy Sprague Psycologist

"An exciting, revolutionary mind in the field of contemporary psychology.”



Empowering Individuals, Groups, Couples, & Organisations

Exclusive Transformational Coaching Programs:

Offering a bespoke approach tailored to your unique needs, my transformational coaching program leverages my extensive experience from Harley Street to international settings. With a proven track record of transforming relationships, individual programs promise deep, immediate insights that tackle the heart of your issues. Whether you’re an individual, a couple, or part of an organisation, expect a level of expertise and impact unmatched by any prior interventions. Expect life-saving breakthroughs, enriched connections, and holistic personal and professional growth.

Sessions are available both online and in person, enabling participation from anywhere in the world and accommodating all time zones. Each session is customised to meet individual needs and is suitable for individuals at all levels of personal development experience. Our services prioritise objective assessment to uncover hidden driving forces contributing to conflict, disconnection, and repetitive cycles.

Sessions offer:

  • Identifying underlying issues that may be driving conflict and disconnection, often unnoticed.
  • Providing strategies for assertiveness that avoid unnecessary conflict.
  • Offering coping strategies and actionable changes for immediate relief from repetitive cycles.
  • Mastering methods for cultivating a healthy, happy, and successful future.
You will never ever make a mistake in investing in yourself with Poppy.
- Francisco Norelli, 2021

Poppy Sprague is sincerely the World No. 1 Practitioner for Coaching & Psychotherapy.
- Christopher George QC, 2021


When working with me individually, you can expect refreshingly relatable sessions that combine psychotherapy and coaching. Our approach is direct, fast-paced, and solution-focused, tailored to your desired outcomes. Programs are customised to your specific situation and goals. We begin with an introductory meeting, either online or in person, to assess your needs and preferences. From there, I’ll make recommendations, and together, we’ll determine the best course of action for you.

Photograph of Poppy talking with a client

Poppy’s depth and breadth of knowledge is profound, her ability to get to the root of a persons issues is quite mind blowing and she’ll do this in a matter of minutes. Her decades of work and robust training in psychotherapy and coaching combined, makes her extraordinary.  You certainly won’t have experienced anything like this!

Frank Colburn CEO - 2020

Media and Speaking Engagements

For engaging and deeply relatable speaking engagements, your search ends here! I’ve delivered talks globally on various topics such as relationships, culture change, mental health, and the power of mindset. With a knack for understanding my audience, I bring people together through humor, irony, and insightful discussions. Attendees consistently walk away with actionable skills for dynamic change.

Photograph of Poppy talking with a client


In couple, family, and adolescent therapy, we start with an initial meeting to assess the history, presenting issues, and problem areas comprehensively. Sessions offer insights into underlying issues and reasons for recurring experiences, providing actionable approaches that can be implemented immediately. Additionally, we offer recommendations for further steps. If we’re a good match, Poppy will design a personalised program to help you achieve your specific goals and desired outcomes.

I’m here because I found Poppy’s “Dear Suicidal Person” video. Not that I am suicidal, but, because it started to break down one of the walls I have surrounding me for protection. I began binge-watching Poppy’s videos and realized that this is the place I need to be for my own mental health. I am sorting out my finances because I am ready for “Unapologetic You”. ASM Mastermind is a great place to start. You have like-minded people, wanting to get back a healthy, happy state of mental health. Groups give you Love, Support and, a discreet place to share. I feel safe discussing my issues in ASM Mastermind. Loved and safe. Thank you, Poppy Sprague.

Brenda Gibbons Bathory - 2021


Seeking to Enhance Your Organisation’s Culture and Progress?
I provide a dynamic perspective on your business’s current functioning and trajectory. Utilising my experienced 360-degree method, I facilitate integral shifts and growth aligned with the evolving needs of your organisation, clients, or sector.
Please contact me via email with detailed information.

*Program fees depend on requirements, time and availability. 


Specialised individual sessions and programs with one of our ASM Senior Coaches.

Poppy’s expansive knowledge and experience means she is amazingly dynamic, attentive and specific with her guidance. We’ve not experienced long-term business changes until investing in her services.

Bill Bridle

2019 (Senior Manager)