Bereavement is a multifaceted state of loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed. Although conventionally focused on the emotional response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, and philosophical dimensions. Grief is a natural response to loss. Loss can be categorized as either physical or abstract, the physical loss being related to something that the individual can touch or measure, such as losing a spouse through death, while other types of loss are abstract, and relate to aspects of a person’s social interactions.
Bereavement results in hampering the normal course of life in most cases. This happens very often to people of all age groups. Bereavement is a very common mental state. In our sessions, we talk through the trauma, concerns, symptoms and feelings. We work to understand, manage, heal and progress through emotional or practical obstructions brought about by bereavement.
Work with Poppy:
We recognise that each individual’s situation is different, which is why we ensure that everyone has a unique consulting plan tailored to their needs. The work can involve:
- Identifying what has been and is going on in your environment that may be contributing to the issues you’re facing.
- Exploration of issues relating to your experience of bereavement.
- Understanding the costs and consequences of behaviour, the effect on relationships and potential opportunities lost.
- Discussing the cycle of thoughts, emotions and behaviours.
- Identifying inner conflicts that sabotage progression and wellness.
- Learning about emotional suppression and the psychology of emotion.
- Developing open, authentic relating so that any disturbing behaviour is no longer needed as a strategy for coping.
- Discovering and then mastering the methods for building and maintaining a healthy, happy, progressive and successful future.