Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties or BESD (sometimes called emotional disturbance or serious emotional disturbance) refer to a disability classification used in educational settings that allows educational institutions to provide special education and related services to students that have poor social or academic adjustment that cannot be better explained by biological abnormalities or a developmental disability.

The classification is often given to students that need individualized behaviour supports to receive a free and appropriate public education, but would not be eligible for an individualized education program under another disability category of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

BESD is prevalent in 30% of students with girls exceeding boys in all age groups. The sessions involve looking at experiences where thoughts, fear based systems and feelings were first embedded so as to create new understanding of where all this came from and how to progress to a healthy, fulfilled, happy and successful life ahead.

Work with Poppy:

We recognise that each individual’s situation is different, which is why we ensure that everyone has a unique consulting plan tailored to their needs. The work can involve:

  • Identifying what has been and is going on in your environment that may be contributing to the issues you’re facing.
  • Assessing how this behaviour serves you on a deeper level i.e. all behaviours ultimately have a benefit or we wouldn’t use them.
  • Understanding the costs and consequences of behaviour, the effect on relationships and potential opportunities lost.
  • Discussing the cycle of thoughts, emotions and behaviours.
  • Identifying inner conflicts that sabotage progression and wellness.
  • Learning about emotional suppression and the psychology of emotion.
  • Developing open, authentic relating so that any disturbing behaviour is no longer needed as a strategy for coping.